RSE in Year 9

Students look at body image, peer pressure, eating disorders and assertiveness in relation to managing conflict and crime. Sexual orientation is discussed as part of the ongoing relationships education, which will also include homophobia, hate crime and discrimination. The topic of safe sex is introduced, along with contraception options and sexually transmitted infections. The potential impact of pornography on teenage relationships is also discussed. Respecting others and the subject of consent is covered in more detail, building on knowledge from year 8.

Body Image

In Year 9 students look a body image and the media, they are encouraged to think critically about the pictures that they see each day. Students explore the wide range of conflicting messages we receive about healthy choices and consider how to navigate them. Students learn about eating disorders (body dysmorphia, anorexia, and bulimia) and sources of help and support.

Managing Stress/Mental Health

Students learn about emotional health issues, with a focus on exploring depression. Students address the stigma surrounding mental health, ways that everyone can look after their mental health and ways to get help or support a friend. Students understand that it is normal to feel under pressure sometimes, but that if this becomes overwhelming it can lead to stress and anxiety. There is a focus on managing external and internal pressures, and building emotional resilience.


E-Safety continues with a focus on “sexting”. Students understand the common reasons why young people send naked and/or sexualised photos, and learn about the risks and effects of sending/posting such images. They cover the law and offences associated to indecent images of children. Students revisit bullying and how to resist pressure from others to post images online.

“So you got naked online” leaflet

Safe Sex, Contraception and Consent

Students look at power and consent in relationships and keeping relationships positive and healthy - consent, readiness for engaging in sexual relationships, respect and self-esteem. Students learn about the importance of contraceptive use in reducing the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. They are given information about the different types of contraception, including emergency contraception. Students discuss the reasons for and benefits of abstaining from or delaying sexual activity. 

Relationships/Sexual Orientation

Students learn about the difference between sex, gender identity and sexual orientation. They explore the themes of stereotyping, labelling, prejudice and discrimination with a view to developing tolerance and empathy towards people who are different. Students learn to look for opportunities to challenge prejudice and discrimination. They will have an understanding of what is meant by homophobia and that it can be expressed in a number of ways. They look at the impacts of prejudice on LGBTQ+ people. They understand that pre-judging LGBTQ+ people is a form of prejudice equivalent to all other types, for example, racism. Students explore self-respect, respect for others and self-acceptance.