RSE in Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form)

Year 12

In the first year of Sixth Form, students will be taught PSHCE sessions through tutor time and assemblies. Continuing from KS4, the students will examine the reality of certain topics. The Terrence Higgins Trust will be invited to deliver assemblies on Sexually Transmitted Infection, including mobile Chlamydia testing. They will also run sessions on HIV and Aids. Local charities will be invited to speak to the students about topics such as consent and domestic abuse. Stonewall will be invited to provide information and support for LGBTQ+ topics. The role of alcohol and drugs in making the correct decisions will also be covered through external agencies.

RSE Topics: Relationships; Self-esteem/respect; Safe Sex; HIV/AIDS, Drugs and Alcohol (making choices)

Year 13

PSHCE in Year 13 is impacted by the completion of personal statements, UCAS applications, CV’s and apprenticeship applications. However some topics from Year 12 will be revisited. The impact of turning 18 will be a focus. The subject of arranged marriage will be re-introduced as this issue becomes more prevalent at 18 for students from certain ethnic groups. Students will discuss life in Higher Education and/or the workplace, linking the additional freedom with increased responsibility.

RSE Topics: Relationships; Self-esteem/respect; Safe Sex; HIV/AIDS, Drugs and Alcohol (making choices), arranged marriages.

Useful resources for students and parents:

Advice and information for over 14’s and their parents on sex, relationships and development.

Family Planning Association: Advice on contraception and access to services.

Free and confidential advice from the UKs leading sexual health charity