

All academies (including new academies like ours and converter academies like Orleans Park, Waldegrave and Teddington School) are governed by not-for-profit charitable trusts, which are closely monitored by the Audit Commission to ensure that they provide good value for the public money with which they are entrusted. Our school's Supplemental Funding Agreement sets out the terms of our funding arrangement with the Department for Education.

Russell Education Trust (RET)

In the case of Turing House the Governing Body is the Board of the Russell Education Trust, a Government-approved academy sponsor, which runs 5 schools in total. Information about RET and its trustees can be found on the RET website.

In each of its schools, RET formally delegates a range of its responsibilities to a Local Governing Body representing the community. This structure is described in RET's Scheme of Delegation and our Local Governing Body's Standing Orders.

A close, consultative relationship exists between RET and the Local Governing Bodies of its schools, and the views of local governors inform all aspects of RET policy.

Local Governing Body

The Turing House Local Governing Body includes the Headteacher, two elected parent governors and up to eight further governors appointed by the Trust. If you are interested in becoming a local governor at Turing House School, please read our Role Description. Local Governors are appointed/elected for a 4 year term, and are currently as follows:

Name: Appointer / Date:
Sarah Dietz (Chair)

RET/Sept 2015

RET/Sept 2019

RET/Sept 2023

Beverley Sanders (Vice Chair)

RET/Sept 2015

RET/Sept 2019

RET/Sept 2023

Admissions; More Able; Pay and Performance
Martin O'Sullivan (Headteacher) Not Applicable  
Danny Lynch

RET/Sept 2019

RET/Sept 2023

Bob Hope

RET/Sept 2019

RET/Sept 2023

Sixth Form; Behaviour and Attendance; Suspensions
Katherine Greening

RET/Sept 2019

RET/Sept 2022

Safeguarding; Inclusion
Judy Franks RET/Jan 2022 Finance
Shabina Choudhry RET/Feb 2023 Health and Safety; Suspensions
Viki Veale Elected/Sept 2022 Wellbeing; Curriculum; PTA
Sophie Thurgood Elected/Sept 2022 Pay and Performance; Careers
Name: Date stepped down
Matthew Evans February 2023
Robin Jowit July 2023
Contact the Governing Body:

Contact should normally through the school administrative office. Further details of how to communicate with the governing body are on our Contact Us page.

Further Reading: