Year 9 Options Evening 6th March 2025
We are delighted to be holding our onsite options event for our current Year 9. Ms Sabharwal is looking forward to helping you through the process of making your selections for next year.
Please contact us if you are worried about anything. If you are reading this page, but not yet in Year 9, please note that the options do change from year to year.
Click the link below to take a look at our options booklet.
Please find the presentation from the Year 9 options evening in the link below.
The Subjects
Click the links to view subject presentations that explain the content, approach, and assessment criteria for each course on offer. These presentations were made during lockdown. They do give a brief insight into the subjects but please take note that sometimes different modules are studied from year to year.
Subjects you have to do:
- English (Language and Literature)
- Mathematics
- Science (Triple or Combined)
- RP (Examined at the end of year 10)
- Core PE
Your Options (choose 4):
We would encourage students to select Spanish and a humanity (History or Geography), where possible as this covers the government directive regarding EBacc. Click here for further details.