Relationship and sex education (RSE) - Overview

Headteachers Welcome

What is RSE? Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health.

Why is RSE important? RSE equips students with the information, skills and values to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships and to take responsibility for their sexual health and well-being. It should help students to learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.

At Turing House we deliver RSE through PSHCE lessons, Assemblies, Tutor Time and lesson time. External visitors such as the School Nurse may deliver specific topics and facilitate discussions. We encourage students and teachers to share and respect each other’s views and generate an atmosphere where questions and discussion on sexual matters can take place without any stigma or embarrassment. 

If you would like to comment on any aspect of RSE at Turing House School, please use our RSE Feedback Form

Stage by Stage, Year by Year

RSE topics are introduced and revisited throughout the students' school years. This enables students to reflect, and teachers to go into more subject depth, as the students mature.

Further Information

We recognise that Parents are the key people in teaching their children about sex, relationships and growing up. You may find the following resources helpful when talking to your children about the topics they have covered.