extra curricular

6th form extra curricular

Our school day includes time for enrichment and additional activities.  Sixth Form students are encourages to take part in activities after school.

We offer sporting and academic clubs, and everyone is welcome to attend. Team sports include football, rugby and netball clubs with matches played against local schools. There are also ad-hoc sports events for fun such as Sports Days and Staff v Students matches!

We have a wonderful music department with practice rooms where our Sixth Form students can spend time after school composing music and playing a wide range of instruments.

Sixth Former’s are also encouraged to help at clubs run for lower school students.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

There is more to education than exams. Doing a DofE award builds confidence and expands horizons.

Students who achieve the award demonstrate persistence, resilience, commitment and personal development over a period of time.  The Award is the world’s leading programme for young people, recognised by employers and universities alike.  In highlighting the activities you have undertaken as part of your DofE programme on your UCAS or college application form, you are telling the institution that you have an ambitious and positive attitude, as well as a wide range of interests.

National Citizen Service

National Citizen Service (NCS) is open to all 16 and 17-year-olds in England. It helps you build your skills for work and life, while you take on new challenges and meet new friends.

NCS runs in the spring, summer and autumn. Participants have a short time away from home and take part in a team project that will help the community. It encourages personal and social development by working on skills like leadership, teamwork and communication.

Participants also develop a social action project to deal with a local issue they’re passionate about, and spend 30 hours putting the project into action in their community. Find out more.