- More Able: Students who either performed above a threshold in baseline tests, or whose academic performance is identified by their teachers as being significantly above age expectations in three core subjects.
- Gifted: a child who shows exceptional aptitude or ability in one or more areas, such as mathematics, language, music, or art.
- Talented: Students with one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group, or with potential to develop those abilities, for example in sport, music, design or creative and performing arts.
Our Approach
All our students, including our more able, gifted and talented (MAGT) students, need access to broad, balanced and challenging curriculum opportunities to enable them to reach their true potential. We address this by offering activities that extend and enrich students' learning, to promote high attainment and good progress.
All students are supported to reach their full potential through high-quality, differentiated tasks and activities.
When appropriate, Turing House students may be set by ability in core National Curriculum subjects (English, Maths, Science) and in some foundation subjects such as languages. Other subjects may be taught in banded sets or mixed ability groups, depending on the profile of the year group.
Courses/Assessments aimed at the More Able
When possible and appropriate, we offer additional courses aimed at groups of more able students. Examples to date have included AS Level Politics offered to some Key Stage 4 cohorts, and the Edexcel Level 3 Award in Algebra offered to more able mathematicians in Year 11. We have also supported able linguists, who learn additional languages outside of school, to sit an early entry GCSE or A Level in their subject.
Celebrating our Students
Each year we invite our new Year 7 students to tell us about their hobbies, interests, gifts and talents so we can get to know them. We encourage all our students and their families to tell us about activities and successes outside of school, so we can say "well done" and celebrate them in our weekly newsletter. The newsletter also regularly publishes high quality examples of our students' work. We provide many performance opportunities; in music, sport, the arts, and in many different types of competition. We encourage all of our students to participate in these activities, which help to enrich school life. At the end of each year, students who have demonstrated high attainment or strong progress in each subject are rewarded with certificates.
More Able Register
We track the academic progress of More Able students as a group over the long term. Where necessary, we enable additional support for those who may need it to fulfil their potential, as we do for all of our students. We pay particular attention to our students from disadvantaged backgrounds, or those who face external challenges which start to impact their progress. Early identification of more able students helps us to adapt our teaching, and tailor our curriculum, to meet their needs. To facilitate this, we ensure that all staff are made aware of the students in their classes who are on the More Able register.
We usually use Year 6 SATS results to identify our more able students but at times when they have not been available (e.g. during the Covid 19 epidemic), we have used MidYIS testing in Year 7. We add further students to the list if three or more of their teachers identify them as displaying some of the following traits in their subjects:
- Masters content easily and transfers their insights to new problems.
- Makes connections between past and present learning.
- Works at a level beyond that expected for their age group.
- Produces original and creative responses to common problems.
- Shows curiosity, ask questions and enjoys engaging in debate or discussion.
We review the register each year - students will never be taken off it, but more may be added as time progresses.
Parental Support
If your child is added to the More Able Register we will write to you to let you know, and we will also talk to your child about what it means. All parents, including parents of more able students, are provided with guidance on how they can support children with their learning.
The school provides students with individual targets at subject level for their attainment, and monitors the progress of its students against these targets. More able students are likely to have higher individual targets in some subjects. This ensures that they have an appropriate level of challenge, and reach their full potential. At whole-school level, the attainment and progress of students are tracked against other RET schools and nationally, and the relative performance of specific groups of students, including the more able, is scrutinised as part of this process.
Extra-Curricular Enrichment
Examples of enrichment activities which have previously been offered to students during their time at Turing House include:
- MENSA puzzles and testing
- Arkwright Scholarship application support
- UKMT Maths challenges
- EEP Robotics Challenge
- Student leadership opportunities, such as School Council, Senior Student, Subject ambassador
- Enrichment assemblies
- Creative and performing arts workshops
- Musical and sporting activities
- STEM Club (for students interested in Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths)
- Maths Masterclass nomination
- Science week
- Film making projects
- University visits, including Oriel College Oxford
- Careers talks
- Genocide awareness workshops
- VESPA mindset workshops, to develop Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice and Attitude
- Evening enrichment trips, e.g. to the theatre
- Signposts to external competitions, summer schools, university open days etc.
Many of these opportunities are open to all students, some are targeted at specific groups of MAGT students, and others are for small groups of students with a particular aptitude or interest.
Curriculum Enrichment
Teachers often set optional extension activities for students, so do keep a look out for these on our homework app. Many of them are for all students, and some are aimed specifically at more able students. The links below are examples of curriculum enrichment that we have used in each year group:
Year 7 | Year 8 |
Year 9 | Year 10 |
Year 11 | Post 16 Bridging Work |