Assessment Recording and Reporting

What information do I receive about my child during a year?

The school will send three key pieces of academic information throughout an academic year.

  1. Academic and Pastoral Data
  2. Academic and Pastoral Data plus a written report
  3. Academic and Pastoral Data plus an exam result

The school has calendarised these but does not share this with parents as events in a school year will always result in a flex of dates. We prefer to ensure the information is robust than rush the data out to meet a deadline.

Academic Data

This will be information from the subject teacher from their teaching of your child and various checkpoint activities.

The information on how your child is doing is based on the targets we have set. These have been decided from the KS2 results. So, a student who entered Turing House with a scaled score of 105 would be expected to end year 7 on Stage 3.

These targets can then be projected further once students start their GCSE’s. So a student who gained a scaled score of 105 would be expected to gain grade 5’s as a minimum expectation in their GCSE’s. Stages and GCSE Grades are different. See them as a separate entity.


The stages related to stage descriptors for each subject, which shows what your child should know or be able to do. Links to all the stage descriptors can be found here.


Information on grade descriptors and how to achieve them can be found on the exam board websites. All of our boards are listed here. Please note that grade boundaries change every year.

Pastoral Data

Attendance - Your child’s percentage attendance. Where 96% is the minimum target for all students.

ATL – Attitude to learning. Students are awarded one of four grades based on the descriptors below.

A Outstanding attitude to learning and contributions to class. Perseveres when faced with difficult challenges. Class and homework consistently completed to the very best of their ability.  
B Good attitudes to learning and working hard in this subject. Works equally well in a group or alone. Classwork and homework is consistently completed to the best of their ability.  
C Inconsistent and improvement needed. Not consistently working hard enough in class. Some homework tasks are carelessly or inadequately done, or not completed on time.  
D Serious concerns about approach and attitude to learning in this subject. Classwork is frequently inadequate. Homework is patchy in terms of completion and quality.  

The Written Report

This will generally be a statement of what your child has studied and what they can do to improve. More information on what they have studied can be found here