Admissions consultations

Turing House School are consulting on a proposed change to our Year 7 and Sixth Form admission arrangements for September 2026 entry to the school.   

Please read the Turing House Admissions Policy Consultation setting out the proposed changes with the following documents: 

We are keen to hear views from the local community who may be affected by the proposed changes and are consulting interested parties in accordance with the Code. For schools, if appropriate and by whatever means you feel most suitable, please make the parents/carers of children in your school aware that this consultation is taking place.

The statutory six-week consultation period will run from Tuesday 10th December 2024– Tuesday 28th January 2025.

Please send any responses for the attention of Sarah Dietz, Chair of Governors via email or direct to the school at Hospital Bridge Road, Twickenham, TW2 6LH.

A paper copy of the consultation documents can be requested from the school and are available on the school’s website Turing House School.

The National School Admissions Code says that admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements whenever changes are proposed, or at least once every 7 years.  The statutory timetable for consultation is set out in the code. Details of completed consultations for Turing House School are as follows: