Our CEIAG programme aims to provide all students with opportunities to develop, within and beyond the curriculum, and to ensure that staff, governors, families and the wider community are involved in securing high aspirations for each and every student. Our Careers programme is an integral element of the Turing House curriculum, providing all students with the careers education, information, advice and guidance that they need to realise the most ambitious of aspirations. We develop this at all key stages as follows:
Key Stage 3
- Unifrog online service provides a focus on subjects, jobs and GCSE choices.
- The options programme for Year 9 is designed to support them in their GCSE choices.
- The pastoral curriculum in Year 7-9 covers economic well-being, active citizenship and develops enterprise and entrepreneurship.
- Speakers Programme ensures Years 7 – 9 have access to employers and inspirational speakers through a series of talks.
- Curriculum subject focus lessons: Careers are highlighted as part of individual subject lessons and PSCHE at KS3.
- STEM Lessons and extra curricular sessions for KS3 students.
- KS3 assembly program to introduce careers and develop understanding of different pathways and providers.
- Year 9 invited to Careers Fair ahead of GCSE choices.
Key Stage 4
- Unifrog online service provides a focus on CV writing, universities, apprenticeships, colleges, sixth forms and online courses (MOOCS). It will also be used to collate useful progression information (activities, competences and interactions).
- One-to-one careers discussions with a Careers Advisor in Year 10/ 11/ 12 inform individual Careers Plans for use by students, their tutors and their Heads of Year.
- Students take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. Many students participate in the Bronze Award, and some commit to doing further awards. Careers staff will support with the Volunteering Section.
- Speakers Programme: Continuing themed/ career spotlight sessions
- Extra-curricular clubs and trips support students in developing their understanding of a range of subjects and careers.
- Some students in KS4 may undertake Work Experience via Future Frontiers program, and Year 10 also have experience days with the armed services.
- Students in KS4 may be pointed to work experience opportunities (either virtual or in person).
- The PALS program for Year 11 supports students' post 16 choices.
- The pastoral curriculum in Year 10-11 covers economic well-being, active citizenship and charity fundraising.
- Year 11/12 will be invited to attend HE/Careers Fairs.
- Careers Ambassadors programme to support students in KS3 and develop subject links.
Key Stage 5
- Unifrog online service focuses on CV writing, universities, apprenticeships and MOOCS. It will also be used to support production of UCAS application forms, personal statements and teacher references.
- A Higher Education lesson, as part of the curriculum, to be run weekly for Year 12.
- Students in the Sixth Form will be encouraged to visit university open days, masterclasses, taster courses and summer schools at a variety of universities, to develop their application profile.
- The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) helps develop invaluable research and independent learning skills which are central to higher education.
- There is a dedicated team to support students with the UCAS process. Each student will have support tailored to their application from a subject advisor, their form tutor and the Sixth Form team.
- Interview preparation, practice and workshops are led by universities, departments and the Sixth Form team.
- There is preparation for, and support with, aptitude and pre-admissions tests.
- The pastoral curriculum for Years 12-13 will include lessons on life at university, including finances.
- Access to careers fairs and Speakers programme to support transition.
- Sixth Form students will undertake work experience for one week in the summer term. Volunteering opportunities are advertised throughout the year to support their university applications.