Music — Year 8


Music Overview

Term 1: African Drumming - Syncopation and Polyrhythms

Students will gain knowledge of musical traditions of Africa. They will understand the use of the Djembe and its performance techniques and gain knowledge of rhythmic and texture devices such as Call and Response and Polyrhythms.

Students will perform their pieces with formative feedback from both their peers and class teacher. In addition, students will complete Focus On Sound tests related to Rhythm and Texture.

Christian songs created by enslaved African people.

Call and response
leader call/sings a rhythmic phrase which is answered by a chorus of voices.

first note of scale.

fourth note of scale.

fifth note of scale.

to make up a rhythm or melody as you go.

Blues shuffles/walking bass
where a note appears on every beat in each bar and gives the impression of “walking.

repetitive rhythmic effect.

mouth organ.

6/12 stringed instrument electric or acoustic

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Social - extrinsic musical skills: Communication, Teamwork, Creativity, Listening,

Create a supportive community:
Social - extrinsic musical skills: Communication, Teamwork, Creativity, Listening,

Term 2: "All About the Bass" - functions of Bass lines in Popular and Classical Music

Students will explore how bass lines function in several different genres. They will begin by studying notes of the bass clef and begin to learn how to read notes on the stave within that clef. They will practise their note reading through exercises as well as reading pieces written for Bass clef (e.g. Beethoven's 7th Symphony, 2nd movement). Students will explore Walking Bass Lines in Rock n Roll and perform Bill Hailey & His Comets: Shake, Rattle and Roll. Following an individual / paired keyboard performance of a walking bass, students will explore Alberti Bass and Arpeggios in Classical and Pop Music culminating in a paired performance of Heart and Soul. Learning in class will be supplemented by studies on Focus On Sound where students will explore Bass instruments and improve their Bass clef note reading.

Students will be continuously assessed via Focus On Sound as part of their homework exercises. Students will also perform their work either individually or as a pair on the keyboard to a set of agreed criteria.

a musical or lyrical phrase which is memorable.

also known as a refrain and repeats after every verse.

Part of a song structure organised into a stanza which changes throughout the song.

Middle 8
instrumental break

one or more layers of singing.

Multi track
means by which separate tracks are recorded individually.

Master track
Mixed down track of all layers.

device used to amplify sound.

riff/short tune that stays playing inside your head even when music is finished.

a repeated phrase which can be used while waiting for a singer to be ready.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Recognition of Rock 'n' Roll music from 1950s. Understanding of the roll of music in the 1700s along with the purpose of Music at that time. Music extrinsic skills - confidence, teamwork, adaptability, creativity.

Create a supportive community:
Music extrinsic skills - perseverance, teamwork, communication, creativity

Term 3: Reggae

Students will explore the music of Bob Marley and the features of Reggae. They will explore off-beat strumming on Guitar along with Hooks and Drum grooves unique to the genre, and will work in groups to perform Three Little Birds.

Students will be continually assessed on their performance of Bob Marley: Three Little Birds and will receive feedback from teacher and peers. Further assessment will take place through listening activities and their work on Focus on Sound.

drum shaped like a goblet and played with bare hands.

Talking drum
hour glass shaped pressure drum. Played with sticks to imitate speech. Pitch is changed by squeezing changing the length of the strings.

bell with high note and low note.

Cross rhythm
effect produced when two conflicting rhythms are heard together.

when two or more rhythms with different pulses are heard together.

a long-necked African harp with many strings.

thumb piano.

West African xylophone pitched with bars made from logs or bamboo.

block chords.

4 note scale.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Knowledge of the musical traditions of Jamaica and popular culture in the UK in the late 1970s.

Create a supportive community:
Development of communication and teamwork. Understanding of music from other countries and within the context of their own western musical culture.

Term 4: Electronic Dance Music - Music Tech (2)

Students will develop their skills with Logic Pro through the study of Pjanoo by Eric Prydz. They will enhance their ability to record, loop and layer sound, and will gain an understanding of editing tools such as Automation, EQ, Panning.

Students will be assessed on a cover of Eric Prydz's Pjanoo as a sequenced recording. They must demonstrate the ability to perform and record in time and show understanding of instrumentation, texture, structure, rhythm, tempo and technology.

a musical structure which is represented by the letters ABACADAE etc.a musical structure which is represented by the letters ABACADAE etc.

theme which recurs after each episode.

the sections which go in between the ritornello.

quick, lively tempo.

slow tempo.

very fast.

Con brio
with life.


a section added to the end of a piece.

a device to accurately mark out a pulse, can be digital or mechanical.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Knowledge of popular cultures in western music and the application of music technology.

Create a supportive community:
Develop communication skills, teamwork, resilience, problem solving and perseverance.

Term 5: The Blues

Students will learn to play the 12 Bar Blues on the Acoustic Guitar and how to extend triads with the 7th degree on the Keyboard. They will gain an understanding of improvisation and use the Blues Scale to do this above the 12 Bar Blues.

Students will be assessed on their group work in performing a piece of Blues where improvisation on the Blues Scale as well as an accurate performance of the 12 Bar Blues will be expected. There will be ongoing assessment on Focus On Sound.

music which doesn't exist for its own sake.

short melodic or rhythmic ideas used to represent characters or images.

Theme transformation
where a basic theme undergoes changes to mirror a situation.

composer of the famous piece Pictures at an Exhibition.

Romantic Period
approximately 19th century period of time.

Tone Poem
a long single movement piece for orchestra.

full orchestra.

Concert Overture
a long single movement piece for orchestra.

Programme symphony
in several movements, drawing inspiration from an extra-musical element.

Idee Fixe
A short melodic idea.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Understanding of the historical context of the Blues with ties to Slavery, Black History and Culture.

Create a supportive community:
Develop teamwork, communication, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, perseverance and resilience.

Term 6: Programmatic Music

Students will explore how composers create music for a stimulus. They will develop their understanding of Major/Minor Tonality and enhance their knowledge of the elements through listening, performing and composing.

Students will be assessed on their ability to recognise the genre and structure of the topic area via aural and oral listening exercises. They will be continually assessed during the composing of the music with a final assessment of the performance. These 3 marks will then come together to give a final level.

a musical composition that evokes and eulogizes the history and traditions of its people.

loyalty to your country.

repeated verses.

shared feeling of significance in a geographical area.

a short ceremonial tune or flourish.

characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.



Alla Marcia
in the style of a march.

magnificently, grandly.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Knowledge of what it means to be British and celebrate the best of their culture.

Create a supportive community:
Promotes a sense of community and cohesion.