Maths (Higher) — Year 10


Maths (Higher) Overview

Term 1: Expressions, Trigonometry, Angles & Polygons

Simplifying expressions.


Expanding and factorising.

Algebraic fractions.

Trigonometric ratios. Use trigonometric ratios to find missing angles and lengths in right-angled triangles and solve problems.

Angles and parallel lines.

Properties of, and angles in, triangles and quadrilaterals.

Angles in polygons.

Congruence and similarity.

Test on: Expressions, Calculations 1, Angles and polygons

Alternate angles
Alternate angles in parallel lines are equal

A 2D shape with straight sides

A four sided 2D shape

Multiply out the brackets

Put an algebraic expression into brackets

Two shapes are congruent if they are exactly the same shape and size


Similar shapes
Two shapes are similar if one is an enlargement of the other

To gather all the like terms together into a single term

Corresponding angles
Corresponding angles in parallel lines are equal

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Skills such as confidence with numeracy and rounding benefit our students’ functioning in society. Algebra provides opportunities for students to develop a sense of “awe and wonder” by using letters to represent variables. Students are encouraged to question “why”; they compose proofs and arguments and make assumptions when analysing a problem. For example, students develop algebraic fluency throughout the curriculum. Algebra is a uniquely powerful language that enables students to describe and model situations. Students learn geometrical reasoning through knowledge and application of angle rules and coditions for similarity and congruency. Students develop algebraic fluency throughout the curriculum.

Create a supportive community:
Students own social development is widened through paired work where students discuss mathematical concepts and solve unfamiliar problems.. .

Term 2: Data handling 1 & 2, Fractions, Decimals & Percentages


Organising data.

Representing data: pie charts, frequency diagrams, box plots, cumulative frequency graphs, histograms.

Averages and spread (including quartiles and the interquartile range).

Scatter graphs and correlation, including correlation vs causation.

Time series.

Fractions and percentages.

Calculations with fractions.

Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Recurring decimals.

Test on: T1 topics and Data handling 1 & 2, Fractions, Decimals & Percentages

Random sample
A sample where everyone in the population has an equal chance of being chosen

An average found by totalling the numbers and dividing by how many there are

An average found by listing the numbers in order and finding the middle number

Interquartile range
The difference between the upper quartile and the lower quartile

The difference between the greatest and least values

Stratified sample
A sample where different groups (e.g. boys and girls) are represented in sample in the same proportion as the population

An average found by finding the item that occurs the most often

Biased sample
A sample where everyone in the population does not have an equal chance of being chosen

Cumulative frequencies
The total of all the frequencies in a set of data

Positive correlation
As one quantity increases so does the other

Negative correlation
As one quantity increases the other decreases

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Student’s understanding of statistics is developed to a depth that will equip them to identify when statistics are meaningful or when they are being used inappropriately (eg in newspapers or on social media). The skill of interpreting data will benefit students’ functioning in society. Students will understand how to interpret graphs and charts, and be able to compare statistical distributions. Competance with percentages benefits our students’ functioning in society: sales, interest rates, taxes.

Create a supportive community:
Students own social development is widened through paired work where students discuss mathematical concepts and solve unfamiliar problems.. .

Term 3: Formulae & Functions & Working in 2D (bearings, area and transformations)

Substitution into a formula and rearranging formulae.

Functions, including composite and inverse.

Algebraic expressions, identities and formulae.

Expanding and factorising double brackets, including difference of two squares.

Algebraic fractions.

Measuring lengths and angles.


Area of 2D shapes: triangle, parallelogram, trapezium and compound shapes.

Transformations (rotations, reflections, translations and enlargements)

Test on: T1 and T2 topics, Formulae & Functions & Working in 2D

A mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols

A relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs

Inverse function
A mathematical operation or function that exactly reverses another operation or function

The act of moving or changing a shape

A reflection is an image that you can see in a mirror line

The action of rotating about an axis or centre

The action of enlarging a shape or solid

The action of moving a shape along and up or down

Repeating a shape to cover an area with no gaps and no overlapping

The amount of surface that a shape has

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students will learn about transformations of shapes. They will enlarge shapes by different scale factors. Algebra provides opportunities for students to develop a sense of “awe and wonder” by using letters to represent variables. Students are encouraged to question “why”; they compose proofs and arguments and make assumptions when analysing a problem. For example, students develop algebraic fluency throughout the curriculum. Algebra is a uniquely powerful language that enables students to describe and model situations.

Create a supportive community:
Students own social development is widened through paired work where students discuss mathematical concepts and solve unfamiliar problems.. .

Term 4: Probability, Measures & Accuracy, and Compound Measures

Probability experiments and relative frequency.

Theoretical probability.

Mutually exclusive events and probability tree diagrams.

Estimation and approximation.

Efficient use of a calculator.

Measures and accuracy, including error intervals and upper and lower bounds.

Students will calculate measures of speed, distance, time, density, mass and volume.

Relative frequency
Experimental probability

Theoretical probability
The likeliness of an event happening based on all the possible outcomes

Probability space diagram
A list of all possible probability events

Mutually exclusive events
Two or more events are said to be mutually exclusive if they cannot occur at the same time

Independent events
Two events are independent if the occurrence of one does not affect the occurrence of the other

An approximate calculation

Upper bound
The upper limit of a calculation

Lower bound
The lower limit of a calculation

Error interval
The margin of error when rounding, usually expressed as an inequality

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
The topic of probability provides opportunities for students to consider whether situations are fair or biased and discuss gambling, betting, lotteries, raffles and games of chance. A knowledge of probability will benefit students’ functioning in society as they will understand bias and the chance of an event happening. By exploring upper and lower bounds students will be able to understand limits of accuracy. This skill will benefit students’ functioning in society.

Create a supportive community:
Students own social development is widened through paired work where students discuss mathematical concepts and solve unfamiliar problems.. .

Term 5: Equations & Inequalities, Ratio & Proportion, Factors, Powers & Roots and Circles

Solving linear equations.

Solving quadratic equations using factorisation, completing the square and the quadratic formula.

Solving simultaneous equations.

Approximate solutions using iterative methods


Ratio and scales.

Percentage change and reverse percentages.

Factors and multiples.

Powers and roots including laws of indices.


Area and circumference of a circle.

Calculating arc lengths and the area of a sector.

Year 10 Exam: T1, T2, T3 and T4 topics

2x 1hr30 papers

A mathematical statement where the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =)

The relation between two expressions that are greater or less then each other

An expression containing one or more irrational roots of numbers, such as 2√3 + 3√2 + 6

The distance round the outside of a circle

The distance from the centre to the edge of a circle

The distance across a circle through the centre

A chord is a straight line drawn through a circle which divides the circle into two parts. The line can be drawn anywhere in the circle EXCEPT the center where it becomes the diameter

The sector of a circle is a portion of the circle enclosed by two radii and an arc

The segment of a circle is a part of the circle bounded by a chord and an arc

A line that touches a circle

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
All mathematics has a rich history and a cultural context in which it was first discovered or used, for example, students will consider how pi was first discovered. Numerical fluency and an understanding of proportion will benefit students’ functioning in society. For example to be able to convert between units, or state which is the better value for money? When solving mathematical problems students will develop their creative skills. When solving mathematical problems students will develop their creative skills. Students develop algebraic fluency throughout the curriculum. Algebra is a uniquely powerful language that enables students to reflect on experiences in order to describe and model situations.

Create a supportive community:
Students own social development is widened through paired work where students discuss mathematical concepts and solve unfamiliar problems.. .

Term 6: Year 10 Exams, Approximate solutions and inequalities, Constructions & Loci

Approximate solutions and iteration.

Representing inequalities on a number line and as regions.

Solving inequalities.

Constructions using a ruler and compass: perpendicular bisector, angle bisector and constructing triangles.

Solving problems using loci.

Test: 1 x 50min

The repetition of a mathematical process applied to obtain successively closer approximations to the solution of a problem

The relation between two expressions that are greater or less then each other

Perpendicular bisector
A line which cuts a line segment into two equal parts at 90°

Angle bisector
A line which cuts an angle into two equal parts

The set of all points that satisfy given conditions

A number that divides exactly into a given number e.g. the factors of 12 are 1 & 12, 2 & 6, 3 & 4

A multiple is a number made by multiplying together two numbers

Prime factorisation
To express a number as the product of its prime factors

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Algebra provides opportunities for students to develop a sense of “awe and wonder” by using letters to represent variables. Students are encouraged to question “why”; they compose proofs and arguments and make assumptions when analysing a problem. For example, students develop algebraic fluency throughout the curriculum. Algebra is a uniquely powerful language that enables students to describe and model situations.

Create a supportive community:
Students own social development is widened through paired work where students discuss mathematical concepts and solve unfamiliar problems.. .