Term 1: Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings
The nature of God
God as omnipotent, loving and just
The Oneness of God and the Trinity
The incarnation and Jesus, the Son of God
The crucifixion
In class test (AO1)
A subgroup of Christianity
The supreme being
The groups of Christians who originally protested against the Catholic Church. e.g. Church of England
A group of Christians based in Rome and led by the Pope
A group of Christians mainly practicing in eastern Europe.
All powerful
What is correct (right) and fair
The belief that god has three persons (the Father, the son and the holy spirit)
Holy Spirit
The third person of the trinity, God's presence in the world today
Develop the individual:
Expanding knowledge of the Christian faith from the perspective of a theist, agnostic or atheist.
Create a supportive community:
Awareness and tolerance of beliefs
Term 2: Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings
The resurrection and ascension
Resurrection and life after death
The afterlife and judgement
Heaven and hell
Sin and salvation
The role of Christ in salvation
Key words test (AO1)
Moving upwards
the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.
The book of the bible in which creation takes place
The Word
The term used to describe God at the beginning of John's gospel
God becoming man in Jesus
Rising from the dead
Roman method of execution in which criminals were fixed to a cross
The state of eternal happiness with God
A catholic term for a waiting place between heaven and hell
Eschaton (Day of Judgement)
A time when the world will end and every soul will be judged by God
Develop the individual:
Expanding knowledge of the Christian faith from the perspective of a theist, agnostic or atheist.
Create a supportive community:
Awareness and tolerance of beliefs
Term 3: Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings
Review Christian beliefs and teachings
Introduction to relationships and families
Ethical theories
Evaluative essay (AO2)
A place of eternal suffering
The name for the devil
Any action thought to separate humans from God
Original Sin
The Christian teaching that says that all humans are born with the inbuilt sin from Adam and Eve. The capacity to do bad things.
Saving of the soul bought about by Jesus
A quality of God that is shown to humans
Showing grace and pardoning someone for something that they have done wrong
Restoring the relationship between people and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
A ceremony also called Eucharist in which the death of Jesus is celebrated through bread and wine
All knowing
Develop the individual:
Expanding knowledge of the Christian faith from the perspective of a theist, agnostic or atheist.
Create a supportive community:
Awareness and tolerance of beliefs
Term 4: Theme A: Relationships and Families Part 1
Sex, marriage and divorce
Human sexuality including heterosexual and homosexual relationships
Sexual relationships before and outside of marriage
Contraception and family planning.
The nature and purpose of marriage
Same-sex marriage and cohabitation
Divorce, including reasons for divorce, and remarrying.
Test (AO1)
Voluntary sexual intercourse between married people who are not married to each other.
Methods used to prevent pregnancy
Family planning
Controlling the number of children a family has
The legal union between a couple
Civil partnership
Legal union of same sex couples
Same-sex mariage
Marriage between couples of the same sex
A couple living together without being married
Legal ending of a marriage
A Catholic ruling that the marriage was never valid
Sex before/outside marriage
Sex between a couple who are unmarried, who may or may not be married to another person
Develop the individual:
Self-awareness, roles and responsibility in relationships
Create a supportive community:
Cohesion and responsibility in relationships
Term 5: Theme A: Relationships and Families Part 2
Religious teachings, beliefs and attitudes about the nature of families, the role of parents
Extended families and the nuclear family.
Religious teachings, beliefs and attitudes about the purpose of families
Stability and the protection of children
Educating children in a faith.
Religious teachings, beliefs and attitudes about contemporary family issues including same-sex
Parents and polygamy.
Key words test (AO1)
A group of people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption
Nuclear family
A couple and their children regarded as the basic social unit
Step family
A family that is formed on the remarriage of a divorced or widowed person that includes a child or children
Extended family
A family that extends beyond parents and children to grandparents and other relatives
The practice or custom of having more than one wife
Being married to more than one person at the same time
Same-sex parents
People of the same sex who are raising children together
Humanae Vitae
A letter written by the Pope regarding matters of human life
The 4 books of the New Testament Matthew, Mark, Luke and John containing Jesus' teachings
Christian love
Develop the individual:
Self-awareness, roles and responsibility in relationships
Create a supportive community:
Cohesion and responsibility in relationships
Term 6: Theme A: Relationships and Families
Review of relationships and families
Introduction of Islam: Beliefs and teachings
Mock examination - Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings (AO1 & AO2)
Bringing babies into the world
Safety and security in which rights are protected in which everyone can live without rapid change
Protection of children
Keeping children safe from harm
Education of children in faith
Bringing up children according to the religious beliefs of the parents
Gender equality
Giving people the same rights regardless of sex
Gender prejudice
Unfairly judging someone based on their sex
Sexual stereotyping
Having a fixed or general image of how a man or women should behave
Gender discrimination
Acting against someone on the basis of their sex
Sexually attracted to people of one's own sex
Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.
Develop the individual:
Self-awareness, roles and responsibility in relationships
Create a supportive community:
Cohesion and responsibility in relationships