Computer Science — Year 10


Computer Science Overview

Term 1, 2,3,4,5,6: Programming Concepts and Practical Application

In this unit students will learn what an algorithm is and be able to create algorithms to solve specific problems using sequence, selection and iteration. Students will learn how to express algorithms using flow diagrams and pseudocode, using suitable variables and arithmetic, relational and Boolean operators. They will also be able to analyse, assess and compare different algorithms for given scenarios.

Although this unit assumes that students have had some exposure to programming in Python, all the basics are covered and students with no experience should quickly be able to catch up.

All the basic programming syntax that students will require at GCSE level, giving numerous examples of how to write Python programs to solve different types of problem. Summarises some of the most common programming techniques used, such as validating data entry and creating a menu system with separate functions for each of the menu options.

Students will sit a written End of Unit Assessment and complete a programming challenge including a written report.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 5: Algorithms - Computational Thinking Algorithms and Programming

In this unit students will learn what an algorithm is and be able to create algorithms to solve specific problems using sequence, selection and iteration. Students will learn how to express algorithms using flow diagrams and pseudocode, using suitable variables and arithmetic, relational and Boolean operators. They will also be able to analyse, assess and compare different algorithms for given scenarios.

A written end of unit assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 4: Networks Security and System Software

Students will be able to threats posed to networks and describe different strategies used by criminals to attack computer networks and how these threats can be identified prevented and combatted using network policies..

At the end of the unit, students sit an assessment test comprising questions similar to those found on the OCR exam paper.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 2: Systems Architecture, Memory and Storage

The unit begins by looking at the various components of the CPU used in the Von Neumann architecture. Subsequent lessons build on the fundamentals covered at KS3 in our unit of Understanding Computers unit, concentrating on RAM, ROM, cache and the need for virtual memory. Students will be able to describe the structure of CPU and functions of components. They will understand the FDE cycle and the need to multiple cores, cache and virtual memory. The unit concludes by examining the need for secondary storage devices and their practical advantages in given applications

Students sit an assessment test comprising questions similar to those found on the GCSE exam paper

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 3: Computer Networks, Connections and Protocols

Students will be able to explain what is meant by different types of computer systems. Students will learnt about different types of computer networks for different purposes and the functions of hardware required to connect computers. They will learn the differences between client servers and peer-to-peer networks, how data is transmitted across networks and the use of protocols to ensure integrity of data transmitted.

Students sit an assessment comprising questions similar to those found on the GCSE exam paper

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 1: Introduction To Computational Thinking & Data Representation

In this unit students will learn how data is represented by the computer systems and why the binary systems is essential for computer processing. Students will learnt how to convert binary into denary and be able to carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on binary numbers. Students will learn why hexadecimal numbers are used and how to convert between binary, denary and hexadecimal. Students will also learn about binary representation of characters, images and audio and how file compression reduces files. In this topic, students will also learn about a form of algebra called Boolean logic where all values are either True of False. These values are then used to test the conditions that selection and iteration are based around. Students will learn the binary logic of logic gate (AND, OR, NOT) and transistors in a computer systems and learn how to use algebra and truth tables to describe logical expressions.

Students sit an assessment test comprising questions similar to those found on the GCSE exam paper

American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A 7-bit character set used for representing English keyboard characters.

A number system that contains two symbols, 0 and 1. Also known as base 2.

The smallest unit of data in computing represented by a 1 in binary.

colour depth
The amount of bits available for colours in an image.

A method of reducing file sizes, particularly in digital media such as photos, audio and video.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 6: Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology

In this unit, students will learn about impact of development of computer science technologies and be able to discuss environmental, ethical, legal and cultural issues. Students will also be able to describe the legislation relevant to computer science and the issues of data collection and privacy.

Students sit an assessment comprising questions similar to those found on the GCSE exam paper

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: