Food Technology (10 Weeks): Basics of cooking and World Cuisine
Throughout this project students will recap health and safety in the kitchen, studying good practice to stay safe and maintain hygiene in a cooking environment. Students will then build on their experiences from Year 7 - cooking a range of dishes inspired by world cuisine including Curries, Meatballs and savoury desserts. Students build on their skills being able to modify recipes and cook dishes with multiple elements, keeping within time constraints.
Interim Assessment
- Health and Hygiene test alongside focus on recipe creation
Final Assessment:
- Students will be assessed on their skills tracker for the dishes completed in this project rotation with evidence to show ability to adapt and personalise recipes
Ornamental needlework in which pieces of fabric are sewn or stuck on to a larger piece to form a picture or pattern.
Sewing Machine
A machine with a mechanically driven needle for sewing or stitching fabric.
A cylinder holding thread used especially in weaving and machine sewing.
a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibres used in sewing or weaving
A thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, used for keeping pieces of fabric secure.
A line where two pieces of fabric are sewn together in a garment or other article.
A cloth produced by weaving, bonding or knitting textile fibres.
A fabric made by rolling and pressing wool or another suitable textile accompanied by the application of moisture or heat, which causes the constituent fibres to mat together to create a smooth surface.
Cotton is probably one of the most common fabrics you're likely to have in your home as clothing. Cotton is a natural fibre as it comes from a plant and is used in a wide variety of clothing and home furnishings
Straight Stitch
A single short separate embroidery stitch.
Zig Zag Stitch
Zig Zag Stitch: a stitch that creates a Zig Zag pattern. Zig Zag stitching is used for finishing seam edges, stitching seams on stretch-knit fabrics, and decorative top stitching.
In sewing and fashion design, a pattern is the template from which the parts of a garment are traced onto fabric before being cut out and assembled. Patterns are usually made of paper, and are sometimes made of sturdier materials like paperboard or cardb
A device consisting of two flexible strips of metal or plastic with interlocking projections closed or opened by pulling a slide along them, used to fasten garments, bags, and other items.
A small disc sewn on to a garment, either to fasten it by being pushed through a slit made for the purpose or for decoration.
Fabric scissors
Fabric scissors are a specialized type of scissor with extremely sharp blades made for cutting fabric.
The activity of making something look more attractive by putting things on it or around it.
An examination and evaluation of data, information or a product, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships.
An act of identifying something precisely or of stating a precise requirement. A list of things a product should be, have or do.
A set of instructions given to a person about a job or task.
Initial Ideas
A thought or collection of thoughts that generate in the mind. An idea is usually generated with intent, but can also be created unintentionally. Ideas often form during brainstorming sessions or through discussions.
Develop the individual:
Students use their imagination and creativity to create a new product that students have designed themselves. Students enjoy creating these dishes in the kitchen using a variety of techniques
Create a supportive community:
Students support each other through peer assessments and by offering support when using new equipment and kitchen utensils
Textiles (10 Weeks): Scrap Monster Project
Students will receive an introduction to Textiles, building on knowledge gained in Year 7 - although practical skills will be the priority due to school closures. Students will design and make a 'Scrap Monster' using a range of hand and machine techniques, aimed at showing students the design process and realising their ideas through design, sketching, making and evaluating. Students will begin by investigating the market and conducting market research, learning commercial and domestic practices - building on hand and machine stitching techniques. Students will continue investigating textiles techniques used both in the home and within industry. Projects will be focused on using decorative techniques and specific key skills such as Appliquè and dying - to ensure products are Aesthetically pleasing and fit for purpose. Students will construct their products and evaluate with the class and against a potential target user.
Interim Assessment -
- Sketching and investigation skills, analysing the target market
Final Assessment -
- FInal outcome of made Scrap Monster Toy
A person who plans the look or workings of something prior to it being made, by preparing drawings or plans.
Final Design
The idea that comes from an accumulation of research and sketching of preliminary ideas.
The making of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.
To prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for (a work to be executed)
Safety Ruler
A ruler with a ditch running through the centre to allow for the safe use of a craft knife.
To build or make something.
An item that is manufactured or refined for sale.
Develop the individual:
To develop students' awareness of suitable, positive products and messages for 5-15 year olds. The Scrap Monster character also highlights these issues and can communicate them to a target audience
Create a supportive community:
Students will develop team building skills and develop skills to support each other when completing the tasks.
D&T Materials (10 Weeks): Passive Speaker Project
Students will learn advanced techniques within woods and plastics, designing and making a Passive Speaker. Students will understand some basic Physics principles which leads to STEM involvement, understanding how sound waves can be amplified naturally. Students will build on CAD/CAM skills and research to use machinery such as the laser cutter to develop and link their work to a chosen theme or designer (Jon Burgerman). Students will realise their final design through market research, consumer research and thoughts behind how to amplify sound in a passive manner. A final product will be created and students will test their product, analysing its success against a specification they have written. Practical skill sets using hand tools supported by CAD programs such as 2D Design, helps to contribute industry knowledge towards the learning completed in this project
Interim Assessment: Students will create a range of ideas which are fully annotated and justified
Students will complete research to understand how to best hold a device and amplify sound ( research task)
An examination and evaluation of data, information or a product, by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships.
The study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Used for information gathering and inspiration.
A set of instructions given to a person about a job or task.
An act of identifying something precisely or of stating a precise requirement. A list of things a product should be, have or do.
Come from coniferous trees which are evergreen, needle-leaved, cone-bearing trees, such as cedar, fir and pine.
Come from broad-leaved, deciduous trees. The main hardwood timbers are ash, beech, birch, cherry, elm, iroko, mahogany, meranti, oak, obeche, sapele and teak.
A type of strong thin wooden board consisting of two or more layers glued and pressed together with the direction of the grain alternating.
Develop the individual:
Students use their imagination and creativity to create a new product that students have designed themselves. Students will enjoy creating these products on a new piece of equipment.
Create a supportive community:
Students support each other through peer assessments and by offering support when using new equipment.
Graphic Design (15 weeks): Movie Merchandise Project
This project aims to build on students analytical skills, research, and graphic elements which are incorporated in movie poster design. Students will use computer-based design packages as well as graphics theory such as colour theory and typography, to create their own ideas and designs behind an existing album cover. This promotes artistic flair and understanding a target market. Students will conduct research and explore ideas behind an Album cover for a chosen artist. This project allows students to express themselves and show off their own interests whilst producing a product which could go to market, utilising information and findings from research. Students will move to producing a final design and learning how products can be created through print and graphics based composite materials. A focus on links to business and sales techniques with products in a retail environment.
Interim Assessment:- Students will design a movie poster for an original script idea. They must incorporate the elements of design that we have covered in the booklet. There will be a focus on their understanding of composition, typography, and contextual design. Students will also design a double page pop-up to demonstrate their understanding of card mechanisms and merchandising.
Target market
A particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed.
A saw with a narrow blade stretched vertically on a frame, for cutting thin wood in patterns.
A method drawing of showing projection or perspective in which the three dimensions. A 3D drawing
Computer Aided Design. Designing with the use of a computer e.g. 2D design programme
Computer Aided Manufacturing. Making products with a computer controlled machine e.g. the laser cutter.
To review the success and limitations of your product and suggest areas to develop.
The testing of design ideas to see if they can contribute to a fit-for-purpose technological outcome.
Come from broad-leaved, deciduous trees. The main hardwood timbers are ash, beech, birch, cherry, elm, iroko, mahogany, meranti, oak, obeche, sapele and teak.
Come from coniferous trees which are evergreen, needle-leaved, cone-bearing trees, such as cedar, fir and pine.
A type of strong thin wooden board consisting of two or more layers glued and pressed together with the direction of the grain alternating.
Develop the individual:
Students to develop confidence with market research and use of computer based design programs. Reference to British values/cultural beliefs in terms of motif and colour usage.
Create a supportive community:
Students will be supporting each other by working in pairs or small groups to develop computer aided design and construction skills