Computer Science — Year 7


Computer Science Overview

: Cyber Security

In the first lesson, students will learn how to use the network and systems at Turing House, the importance of choosing secure passwords and organisation. Students will develop understanding about cyber security by taking on the role of a cyber security agent working through a range of challenges to ensure the online protection of an organisation.

Students will be introduced to how computers work and how to use them safely. E- Safety, Operating Systems and Utilities.

Students will complete a series of online quizzes and complete evidence based tasks

All students should be able to answer the following questions:

What is hacking?

Which law makes hacking illegal?

What is encryption?

What does the term malware mean?

What is a trojan horse?

What is spyware?

What is ransomware?

What is cybercrime?

What is a brute force attack?

List 5 things you should not post on social media

If you post something on the internet, then delete it. It has not gone. Discuss this statement

What does the term catfish mean?

What is cyberbullying?

Why is it important to keep your computer updated to the latest software?

What does the term phishing mean?

What can you do if you receive a message online that makes you uncomfortable?

Why is it important to be aware of your privacy settings on social media?

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Pupils consider the effects of social networking and the consequences of cyber bullying, they also consider the legal aspects of Computing including the Data Protection Act (GDPR), Computer Misuse Act and Copyright legislation.

Create a supportive community:
Students are continually reflecting on their own lives and the lives of others as they look at various case studies. Students debate and formulate their own set of values and beliefs through case studies and as they share their own experiences.

Term 2: Introduction to Programming - Kodu

Students are introduced to programming using an online platform called Kodu. Initially, students build up basic programming skills and understanding using block programming to solve a range of problems which include the use of the key constructs sequence, selection and iteration. Students move on through the levels to develop deeper understanding and skills in text based languages Python and JavaScript by solving further challenges that require logic and resilience.

Completion of a practical task and an online assessment

The image/graphics that behaves and reacts in certain ways.

A copy of the character or the objects in the world.

The ability to create objects or characters.

To allow characters and objects to perform the actions.

Planning and following a route.

Image/graphics that the character interacts with.

The process of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer how to perform a task.

Code that cause's a choice to flow in a particular direction.

Creating a sequence of events to enable a computer or object to do 'something'.

A detailed description of what a game should achieve when completed.

This is the WHEN part of a rule. eg: bump an apple.

A block programming language.

Finding and fixing problems in code.

Something that blocks or gets in the way; an obstacle.

Gradually increasing the demands of the game.

Computational Thinking
Thinking like a computer to solve a problem.

A sequence of instructions or a set of rules to get something done.

Breaking down a problem into smaller manageable parts.

To repeat execution of certain instructions.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Computational thinking encourages students to develop and explore their problem solving skills. Computing Empowers students to apply their Computing skills and to gain knowledge of how programming links between subjects for instance maths.

Create a supportive community:
Pupils may use paired programming to assist in the development of programming skills and to communicate ideas to each other in a respectful and supportive manner

Term 3: Scratch

This unit is the second programming unit of KS3. The aim of this unit is to build learners’ confidence and knowledge of the key programming constructs. Importantly, this unit does not assume any previous programming experience, but it does offer learners the opportunity to expand on their knowledge throughout the unit. The main programming concepts covered in this unit are sequencing, variables, selection, and count-controlled iteration. All of the examples and activities for this unit use Scratch.

completion of a practical task and an online assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
As students develop their skills in a range software they are challenged to work in groups to find solutions whilst developing respect for the ideas and opinions of others in their team.

Create a supportive community:
Pupils may use paired programming to assist in the development of programming skills and to communicate ideas to each other in a respectful and supportive manner

Term 5: Modelling data – Spreadsheets

The spreadsheet unit takes learners enables users to confidently model data with a spreadsheet. The unit uses engaging activities to progress learners from using basic formulas to writing their own COUNTIF statements. This unit will give learners a set of skills that they can use in computing lessons and in other subject areas.

MCQ On Screen Assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 4: Programming with micro:bits

This is an introduction to coding and computer science by way of making and design, using the revolutionary new micro:bit microcontroller board, and Microsoft’s easy and powerful MakeCode block-based coding environment. It is a project-based curriculum with a maker philosophy at its core; the idea is that by making physical objects, students create a context for learning the coding and computer science concepts.

A final project and a On Screen MCQ

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Computing helps students to explore aspects of real and imaginary situations and enables them to reflect on the possible consequences of different actions and situations.

Create a supportive community:
It can raise issues such as whether it is morally right to have computer games whose aim is killing and violence

Term 6: Hardware and Software

Students will develop an understanding about how computers systems work including learning about hardware such as input and output devices, processors and internal components as well as software and operating systems. Students will also have an introduction to the binary numbering system.

Final Task and an on screen assessment

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
As part of the computing curriculum students are taught to think and produce work that reflects the needs of diverse audiences within our community and the wider community

Create a supportive community:
Computing provides opportunities for reflection of awe and wonder about the achievements in ICT today and the possibilities for the future.

Term 1: Introduction to KS3 Computing

Pupils will be introduced to the Turing House School systems and fundamentals of good working practice. This includes logging on to the school system, using Google Classroom, password security, folder structures and naming conventions.

Practical assessment to prove understanding of good working practice.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
This unit develops the personal IT skills of the individual, enabling them to access information that potentially develops understanding of the world around them

Create a supportive community:
Students will consider the security of cyber storage. They will also have access to online shared communities and resources within Google classroom. This creates a sense of team and shared ownership.

Term 2: History of Computing

This unit covers effective searching of the internet, guided project work looking at the history of computers with a focus on hardware. This will include exploration of computers through the ages and looking at Alan Turing.

Students will submit a project on the history of computers.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Understanding of history of technology. Learning to search effectively, which will help with research for all subjects and make them internet-wise.

Create a supportive community:

Term 3: Number Systems

Students will develop understanding of how to convert between binary and denary number systems. This will link back into two previous units as they will develop understanding of how computer systems work.

Written test where students will be expected to convert between binary and denary.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 4: Computational thinking

Introduction to computational thinking. Computational thinking is not ‘thinking like a computer’ but thinking about and understanding problems (and the world) in terms of the processes going on, the data available, and the steps (presented in a standard notation) that need to be followed in order to achieve a goal. Computational thinking underpins both the Computing and Computer Science curriculums. Pupils discover computational thinking through studying how Dr Snow solved the Soho Cholera epidemic of 1854. They then apply the same algorithm in order to problem solve within the real life situation of malaria in East Africa. Pupils will have to create a spreadsheet model using formulae, create graphs, analyse data, draw conclusions and make recommendations – presented within a written report.

Create a written report that analyses data, draw conclusions and makes recommendations based on the practical spreadsheet tasks.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:
Students consider the personal impact of disease on individuals. They think about how this might spread from person to person and then use this information to think on a larger scale to draw conclusions and create written recommendations.

Create a supportive community:
Students consider the impact of disease on community and how spread can be prevented by looking at community and culture habits and the way people catch communicable diseases.

Term 5: Programming 1 Tynker

In this unit, students will build on their understanding of the CPU from the previous unit. Students will move into programming and the concepts of machine instructions, assembly language and how the CPU works.

A practical task of programming constructs using Tynker.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 6: Programming 2 (Python)

This unit combines maths, art and computer science particularly the creativity and imagination required to create works of art and computer programs based on both artistic and mathematical concepts. Students will use Python to code shapes, as well as changing the colour and size.

Use of the microbit to complete and electronic dice program.

A practical task of programming Python to solve an equation, including stating a pattern, creating the algorithm, coding Python and annotating the code.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: